Host/Krononaut: William James Strutner

Growing up, and observing those around him, Bill has always asked one question, “How can I help?” At first he started asking his parents and as he grew older this desire to serve extended to his teachers, classmates and friends. At the age of 21 he felt the need to explore the possibility of leading a religious life and decided to join an Order in the Roman Catholic Church called The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit. After a period of intense discernment and many deep conversations, he decided that life in a religious congregation wasn’t in the cards for him.

Upon returning home, he finished college with a BA in Philosophy, got married and then quickly divorced which left him questioning everything he thought he knew and searching for answers everywhere. After a while, he discovered The Grimerica Show and grew to be part of their community of listeners and supporters. He joined a book club session that Darren coordinated with some other members of the listening community. Shortly thereafter, Bill connected with an extraordinary woman in the Grimerica chats and after a series of ridiculously synchronistic events, they met, fell in love and have been inseparable ever since.

During the turbulence of 2020, Darren asked the community if there was anyone who would want to help host 13 Questions. Bill jumped at the opportunity and after a short phone call with Darren and a quick introduction to Adam Loyal, he hit the ground running and hasn’t looked back. He is grateful for this unique way to serve his fellow humans.

Bill makes his 13 Questions Podcast debut on episode 038.

Host/Krononaut: Derek ConditPsychic/Medium/Frequency Perceiver

Individuals such as myself are sometimes called ‘seers’. I prefer to describe myself as a ‘frequency perceiver’. With a combination of natural born intuition and many years of self-expansion and training, I’ve learned to perceive our reality through not only my 5 physical senses, but also through my chakras. Thus perceiving our reality from not only the physical reality, but also the metaphysical reality.

Using these expanded understandings and abilities (which we all possess), I can not only see spirit guides, angels and past loved ones, but also communicate with them. With the understanding that time doesn’t truly exist, what are often called ‘past lives’ or ‘concurrent lives’ can also be perceived during a session. Owner of & founder of the Shungite Beehives.

Host/Krononaut: blakeArt®

The artist formerly known as blakeArt® bio Coming Soon!

Host/Krononaut: Owen Hunt

Owen Hunt is a producer, comedian, author, improviser and student of the mysteries of the universe. He is a voice who inspires people to discover the nature of reality through humor, love and encouragement. Owen is the creator and head facilitator of the #getcoached program, an intensive course designed to Help You Find an Implement Your Life’s Purpose.

Host/Krononaut: Adam Loyal

Adam started listening to Podcasts before the name was coined. He was hooked immediately and attended broadcasting school in South Florida, which landed him his first job as a radio traffic producer in the audio production industry. From there, he went on to remote radio gigs. These gigs were the beginning of a recurring schedule that persists today: recording at night, listening during the day.

Adam was sucked further into the rabbit hole of podcasting after hearing Lynne McTaggart on AM radio and subsequently reading her book ‘The Field.’ It drove him to seek more interviews in such a format which led to his discovery of ‘The Micah Hanks Program.’ In a series of synchronicities he met Micah along with Graham and Darren of the ‘Grimerica Show’ Podcast; The progenitor podcast to 13 questions.

Host/Krononaut: Ben Walsmith

Ben Walsmith is just an average guy who a few years back, was grabbed by the lapels and spontaneously shaken awake by the universe. Put on a fast track of deprogramming, healing wounds and a remembering of the mystical, esoteric and occulted nature of reality. Two and a half years a nomad, allowing the universe to navigate the synchronistic, psycho spiritual and shamanic journey, inward while living on the terra in a Toyota it was a reconnecting to the soul, nature, spirit and the cosmos. Ben found peace and a more real existence. And that’s when things began to get really weird.